Touch inspired by Diane Ackerman
Touch, inspired by Diane Ackerman. After reading the touch chapter in A Natural History of the Senses, I had to filter through all of the endless thoughts I had to find what I wanted to replicate through art. The first thing my mind went to, was pain, since in the sequence of the book Ackerman covers that first. "Pain was the price one paid for not being morally perfect. Pain was a self-affliction brought about by sexual repression. Pain was dished out by vengeful gods, or was the result of falling out of harmony with nature." Pain is something that many people can have a complicated relationship with. Without it, everything is meaningless. Either it makes the suffering endless, or it stimulates you enough to get by. In my past I have followed the latter choice, but not without harboring what is left of it now. Back then, I remembered pain as a wave. It hits you and then takes control. This is allot like the idea of "seeing red" in rage, but it goes bey...